
在数据驱动的经济中, harnessing the power of business 分析 can help you create meaningful insights and make strategic, 道德决策将提升你的组织和你的职业生涯.







12 - 24个月




职业生涯 & 专业发展


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Businesses and institutions of every size are leveraging the power of data 分析 to innovate and make more effective decisions. Having the skills to understand how to analyze data and apply it to your industry can help you stand out in data-driven organizations. 雷德兰兹商学院商业分析理学硕士学位 & Society gives you a unique edge by developing both your business acumen and analytical 决策.


  • 专注于商业分析的专业领域, 强调信息, 统计数据, 大数据, 预测性和规范性分析, 新兴技术
  • Provides a distinctive blend of business courses as well as training in geographic information systems (GIS), 管理信息系统(MIS), 资讯科技(IT), 和分析,这样你就能从这个商业纪律的整体方法中受益
  • 将您与我们的 空间商业计划, 与GIS和全球地图行业领导者Esri合作, that provides you with valuable location 分析 expertise and industry connections
  • Allows you to gain important technical skills in business intelligence and 大数据 analysis as well as complementary skills such as business communications, 领导, 和道德

为期18个月的 stem指定的MSBA项目 is tailored for a wide range of student backgrounds and experiences to gain the necessary business and technical skills that are highly valued in this fast-growing field. A quantitative bachelor’s degree or quantitative coursework is not a prerequisite to apply. 然而, it is highly recommended that you study or understand the fundamentals of 统计数据 in order to succeed.

作为雷德兰兹商学院 & Society学生,你是受欢迎的 3万+校友网络 and are invited and encour年龄d to attend speaker series events and 活动 on a range of contemporary business topics, 包括 有目的和道德的领导.



  • 了解用于收集、管理和分析数据的技术工具
  • Formulate and solve organizational problems by applying the principles of business, 分析, 信息系统
  • Use appropriate data and analytical methods to improve 决策 throughout an organization’s value chain
  • Effectively communicate and articulate the value and outcomes of business 分析 to diverse audiences using easily understandable written, 口服, 解析表达式
  • 根据组织的焦点评估组织的分析成熟度, 文化, 人, 和技术
  • 评估伦理, 法律, 以及利益相关者的数据和决策的位置含义, 组织内部和外部
  • Effectively man年龄 and lead teams eng年龄d in 分析 projects within an organization





BUAN 600: MSBA课程指导(0)

所有其他mba课程的先决条件, this course introduces students to the MSBA curriculum and the approach to graduate academic eng年龄ment offered at the 威尼斯人平台 商学院 and its unique learning community.



本课程评估道德, Society, and 法律 ramifications of the choices we make at different st年龄s of data analysis and information privacy, 以及这些选择对管理决策的影响.


BUAN 615:与分析竞争(4)

本课程探讨商业分析的组织背景. Focus is on creating competitive advant年龄 across business functions such as marketing, 操作, 金融, 人力资源, R&D,通过战略性地使用分析和供应链.



本课程提供对数据的深入理解, 数据技术, 以及有效分析所必需的技术. 课程还包括有效管理的基本概念和技能, 清洁, 集成, 预处理, and transform data for 分析 using industry-standard tools such as Python or R.


buan630:数据可视化 & 讲故事(4)

本课程评估描述性分析的作用, 包括统计测量和可视化, 将组织价值传递给决策环境. Coursework includes use of spatial-temp口服 data for “storytelling” and the effective communication of results to organizational decision-makers.


BUAN 631:数据驱动的决策(4)

This course focuses on descriptive and predictive 分析 for 决策 from a variety of business disciplinary perspectives. Important elements include identification of data-driven 决策 contexts in business, 确定数据需求, 分析数据, 解释和沟通结果, 最终是分析的价值主张.


BUAN 640:数据挖掘预测分析(4)

本课程提供数据挖掘概念的概述, 过程, 以及在商业环境中流行的方法. 有监督方法和无监督方法使用large, 现实生活中的商业数据集, 通过编程提供统计建模和机器学习支持. 讨论了空间数据挖掘、隐私问题和数据挖掘的陷阱.


BUAN 651:管理决策的规范分析(4)

This course provides students with an understanding of the role prescriptive 分析 plays in organizational 决策. 主题包括定量方法,如优化, 模拟, 预测, 供应链管理, 和项目管理的价值创造的业务职能.


Students choose from one of the following courses below to complete the elective course requirement.


BUAD 658:会计和财务管理(4)

This course focuses on the role of accounting and 金融 in man年龄rial 决策, 包括管理者如何获取资金, 投资资源, 预算操作, 报道经济事件.


BUAN 691:位置分析和营销入门(4)

向学生介绍位置分析的基本原理, 包括位置价值和空间成熟度以及跨业务功能的增长. 从基本面出发, the course focuses on the domain of marketing with focus on marketing applications of GIS and location 分析 to enhance customer value by understanding, 检查, 预测现代顾客的需求和偏好. 主题包括环境扫描, 市场细分, 目标营销和促销, 以及利用地理信息系统作为分析工具制定综合营销计划. This course may be substituted with GISB 691: Introduction to Location Analytics and Marketing.


BUAN 694:位置分析和决策(4)

This course focuses on 决策 spanning various st年龄s of the location value chain in businesses employing GIS and location 分析. Emphasis is on illustrations of the 过程 by which GIS and location 分析 projects and business applications are planned, 发达, 和实施. 主题包括企业中的位置分析和空间实现, 空间决策支持, 位置分析以检查大数据, 社交媒体, 物联网, 移动技术及其空间组成部分, 和成本, 好处, 风险, 以及空间项目和应用的伦理含义. This course may be substituted with GISB 694: Location Analytics and Decision-Making.


BUAN 660:管理金融(4)

This course provides an overview of financial man年龄ment tools used in analyzing and developing strategies for making business decisions. 主题包括金钱的时间价值, 债券及股票估值, 风险与回报, 资本预算, 资本结构与股利政策, 营运资金管理, 选项, 以及它们在公司融资中的应用.


BUAN 683:市场分析

审查战略规划过程, 强调由市场分析驱动的资源分配决策. Focus on the use of quantitative and data analysis tools to define optimal marketing mix, 对客户和数字营销活动进行有效的分析, 以及在决策过程中整合空间思维. 本课程可以用MGMT 683:市场分析代替.


INTB 655:全球商业环境(4)

This course explores the theoretical and practical concepts of geopolitical and 经济 relations to evaluate the effects of globalization on business. 重点是评估和制定针对各种政治问题的战略对策, 经济, and Society factors regarding the 风险 they present for international trade and investment, 资源分配决策, 组织结构. 本课程可以用INTB 670:国际区域研究代替.


MGMT 631:管理与组织行为(4)

本课程侧重于关键业务领域,如管理个人绩效, 团队和团队间的动态, 领导, 人力资源管理, 组织设计, 决策, 以及变化的管理.


MGMT 680: Marketing Man年龄ment (4)

This course explores the crucial aspects of marketing with emphasis on the customer and the marketing mix and includes development of analytical and critical thinking skills through case study, 并设计和评估一个基本的营销计划.



BUAN 695:分析的顶点(4)

This course is the culmination of the MSBA program and includes an applied 分析 project. 运用在整个项目中获得的知识, students work on a real-world project that requires strategic deployment of 分析. Emphasis rests on improving 决策 and communicating the value generated by 分析.